Monday, June 28, 2010


I thought Ava needed to share the spotlight with her little brother. So here are some of Nolan's great and some not-so-great moments!

Cat Cheer Clinic

Ava and Karson

Getting down to "George of the Jungle."

Here's the little cheerleader...notice she has high hopes wearing a Gator shirt! Maybe someday she'll cheer at BHG! Or should I say The Swamp, "Where only Gators get out alive!" Muhahaha!

Resurrection of the Blog????

I'm not making any promises, but I'm going to try to resurrect our blog. I guess life just got in the way...well, not sure if it was life or the fact that we have an incredibly SLOW internet connection at our house! So here's hoping...and a few of my favorite photos just for fun!